Smeal College of Business

About the College

Corey Phelps, John and Becky Surma Dean, Smeal College of Business

The Penn State Smeal College of Business is a vibrant intellectual community offering highly ranked undergraduate, graduate, doctoral, and executive education opportunities to more than 6,000 students from across the country and around the world. Since our formation in 1953, we have prepared more than 85,000 students for professional success, annually adding to Penn State's vast alumni network. We are a destination of choice for top global organizations seeking talent that will make a positive difference. Through our leading faculty and network of research centers and institutes, we are a source of knowledge that influences the business practices of tomorrow. As part of its professional graduate portfolio, the Smeal College of Business offers the Penn State Smeal M.B.A. (resident), the Penn State Smeal Executive M.B.A. (executive), and the Penn State Online M.B.A. led by the Smeal College of Business (online). We are forging connections, creating opportunities, and producing results.


Mission and Goals

As an extension of the core values of the University, the Smeal College of Business is committed to a set of strategic priorities including delivering extraordinary educational experiences, conducting research with impact, fostering a culture that prioritizes integrity, embraces unique ideas and strengthens connections via diversity enhancement initiatives and programs, and promotes sustainability in education, research, and business practice.



Department of Accounting

Accounting faculty are engaged in a robust range of research topics including disclosure regulation, executive compensation, credit ratings, and tax policy.


Department of Finance

Finance faculty provide research and teaching expertise in a variety of areas emphasizing corporate finance, international finance, investment management, and financial services. Smeal has built an international reputation for financial research, especially in the areas of corporate financial policy and the operation and regulation of securities markets.


Department of Management and Organization

Management faculty address modern business challenges, including new organizational design such as self-managing teams and multi-firm collaborative networks. Faculty are also exploring creative ways of thinking about a firm's strategies and management processes that involve new methods of performance management, talent management, and ethical leadership.


Department of Marketing

Marketing faculty combines rigorous and relevant research with an approach to education that is grounded in the fundamentals while embracing leading-edge concepts and tools.


Department of Risk Management

The research and disciplinary focus of the department is on risk assessment, mitigation, and management, connecting disciplines such as actuarial science, business law, decision analysis, insurance, international business, and real estate. The department also works closely with the Institute for Real Estate Studies to promote education, scholarship, and outreach in the area of real estate.


Department of Supply Chain and Information Systems

The department’s faculty pursue both theoretical and applied research, often working closely with research centers within the college and collaborating with colleagues in other disciplines or in industry.



Professional Graduate Programs

The Penn State Smeal College of Business delivers a flexible portfolio of graduate degrees and certificates to help students advance in their careers. Smeal offers an assortment of one-year residential specialty masters programs, three MBA programs, and a range of online specialty masters and certificates.


Ph.D. Program

The doctoral program in the Penn State Smeal College of Business enrolls a limited number of candidates each year. The program is designed to prepare students for academic careers and offers numerous areas of emphasis.



Brian Cameron
Associate Dean, Professional Graduate Programs
220 Business Building
University Park PA, 16802

Brent Ambrose
Director of the Ph.D. Program
351 Business Building
University Park PA, 16802