General Education is the heart of the undergraduate experience. From the sciences to the arts and humanities, General Education at Penn State prepares students to thrive personally and professionally in our diverse global society. Through General Education, students acquire skills, knowledge, and experiences for living in interconnected contexts, making life better for themselves, others, and the world. As professions become more dynamic and career paths less predictable, the ability to place information into context through critical thinking, develop solutions to complex problems, and make ethical decisions become essential skills for a resilient workforce. Creative and analytical practice prepares students of all disciplines to be resourceful in the application of their knowledge towards complex problem solving and to communicate that knowledge in a variety of forms.
We invite students to challenge themselves in General Education and encourage them to make intentional course decisions that create:
Strong Foundations 
Build a basis of effective communication and quantitative literacy.
Transformative Exploration 
Follow intellectual curiosity to deepen or widen your learning.
Integrative Learning 
Practice synthesizing knowledge from different perspectives.