Undergraduate Degrees and Requirements

The undergraduate degree programs of the University provide students with opportunities to increase their knowledge and understanding of the world and to grow in their individual skills and capabilities for learning, analyzing, creating, communicating, and forming good judgments. All undergraduate degree programs and courses offered by the colleges and other degree-granting units of the University are under the academic sponsorship of a faculty committed to scholarship and are implemented under the academic policies and student rules established by the University Faculty Senate. They are intended to be flexible in accommodating students interested in learning, whether through traditional or nontraditional offerings, while enrolled on either a part-time or a full-time basis. The degree programs and courses of the colleges and other degree-granting units are offered through resident or distance education. Credit courses are available to degree candidates on University campuses as well as through off-campus credit-granting activities such as internships, practicums, field trips, and foreign studies, as well as via continuing and distance education mechanisms, such as the World Campus. Students not formally admitted to degree candidacy (including nondegree students) may participate in resident offerings as time and space permit, as well as in continuing and distance education.

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Degree and Program Types

Entrance to Major

Degree Requirements

Academic Progress


Classification of Undergraduate Students

Special Academic Programs