Registration Process

Registration Timetable

The Registration Timetable provides a schedule of when students can begin registering for classes for a specific semester. The timetable provides a chart with the minimum credits and the corresponding first date to register for each student level (e.g., undergraduate, graduate, law, nondegree). Students can determine their "minimum credits to register" by adding their total credits earned to the number of credits for which they are currently enrolled. Enrollment appointments are set in LionPATH when shopping carts open for a given semester and are not adjusted after that date.


Academic Registration Holds

When other means of communication with a student have failed, an academic registration hold may be activated to ensure the student is in communication with the appropriate person/office regarding his/her academic decisions. A hold can be placed when a student is violating a University or college policy or if the student's academic decisions appear to be counterproductive to his/her academic success. In addition, a hold can be used to support the operation and well-being of the academic community as a whole.

Along with not allowing students to use the registration system, an academic hold also prevents any requests for an official transcript to be processed by the Office of the University Registrar.

Types of Holds

  • Academic (College, enrollment unit, or campus designate) to help students fully understand the implications of their academic decisions and help them resolve outstanding academic issues. (Academic registration holds are activated as soon as a student is in academic warning or suspension.)
  • Conduct (Office of Student Conduct) as a consequence of a disciplinary proceeding and failure on the student's part to follow through with required actions for resolving an incident.
  • Financial (Office of the Bursar, Housing) as a result of outstanding financial obligations with the university.
  • Global Programs (International Students and Study Abroad) for an international student to ensure that proper immigration documents are completed and filed with the office as required by Department of Homeland Security regulations.
  • Medical (University Health Services) due to health-related issues including insurance.


Schedule of Courses

Registration is a continuous process at Penn State, beginning with the student's first day to register and continuing until the first day of classes for the semester. Prior to the beginning of a new registration period, the University will release the Schedule of Courses for the upcoming semester. Students and view course offerings using the LionPATH Class Search.


Registering for Courses

Prior to the beginning of each semester's registration period, students are required to complete the Pre-Registration Activity Guide in the LionPATH Student Center in order to be able to register for courses. The Activity Guide includes verification of emergency contact information as well as the Financial Responsibility Agreement (FRA), which confirms the student's commitment and understanding to pay all tuition charges and fees associated with registering for courses. An FRA hold will remain on a student's account and prevent him/her from registering for classes until he/she completes the Pre-Registration Activity Guide.

Once the Schedule of Courses for the upcoming semester is released, students can begin viewing the available courses using the LionPATH Class Search. Students can find their first day to register for a given semester by using the Registration Timetable or viewing their Enrollment Appointment Date in the LionPATH Student Center. Before registering for courses in LionPATH, students are encouraged to meet with their academic adviser to review their plan of study and progress toward fulfilling all graduation requirements.