Writing Across the Curriculum Courses

These courses have been approved to fulfill University Degree Requirements. This course list is updated periodically. More information about the University Degree Requirements can be found in the Academic Information section.

A-I 341WResponsible Artificial Intelligence3
ABSM 430WAgricultural and Biorenewable Systems Management Capstone 11
ABSM 431WAgricultural and Biorenewable Systems Management Capstone 22
ACCTG 403WAuditing3
AE 481WComprehensive Architectural Engineering Senior Project I4
AE 494MSenior Honors Thesis4
AED 201WHistory and Philosophy of Art Education in Schools and Cultural Institutions3
AED 211WInterpreting Art Experience: Social-cultural Perspectives Keystone/General Education Course3
AEE 330WCommunication in Agricultural and Natural Resource Careers3
AERSP 305WAerospace Technology Laboratory3
AFAM 136YRace, Gender, and Employment Keystone/General Education Course3
AFAM 207WMethods in African American Studies3
AFAM 213YAfrican American Women's History Keystone/General Education Course3
AFAM 445YPolitics of Affirmative Action3
AGBM 308WStrategic Decision Making in Agribusiness3
AGCOM 462WAdvanced Agricultural Writing3
AGRO 410WPhysiology of Agricultural Crops4
AMST 100YIntroduction to American Studies3
AMST 140YReligion in American Life and Thought Keystone/General Education Course3
AMST 491WAmerican Studies Perspectives3-6
ANSC 202WContemporary Issues in Animal Agriculture3
ANSC 419WApplied Animal Welfare3
ANSC 422WDairy Cattle Evaluation and Selection3
ANSC 467WEquine Nutrition and Feeding3
ANTH 321WIntellectual Background of Archaeology3
ANTH 426WArchaeological Laboratory Analysis3
ANTH 427WForensic Archaeology3
ANTH 439WStudies in Classical and Ancient Mediterranean Archaeology3-6
ANTH 445WEthnographic Film3
ANTH 476WAnthropology of Gender3
APLNG 482YIntroduction to Applied Linguistics3
ARCH 311WArchitectural and Planning Theories3
ART 122YCommentary on Art3
ART 211YIntroduction to Digital Art and Design Criticism3
ART 466WIndividual Approaches II3
ARTH 350WUndergraduate Seminar in the History of Art3
ARTSA 402WStrategic Management and Planning for the Arts3
ASIA 120YSouth Asia: A Literary History Keystone/General Education Course3
ASIA 404YTopics in Asian Literature3
ASIA 405YSeminar in Asian Studies3
ASIA 460YResearch Seminar in History of Asian Religion & Medicine3
ASIA 465YDemocratization in Asia3
ASIA 475YThe Making and Emergence of Modern India3
ASIA 484YHistory of Chinese Thought3
ASIA 485YChina's Last Empire: The Qing Dynasty, 1644-19113
ASTRO 237WAstronomy Communications3
ASTRO 402WAstronomical Telescopes, Techniques, and Data Analysis3
ASTRO 420WPlanets and Planetary System Formation3
ASTRO 475WStars and Galaxies3
ATHTR 438WAdministrative and Professional Aspects of Sports Health Care3
BA 364YInternational Business and Society3
BA 422WStrategic Business Planning3
BBH 301WValues and Ethics in Biobehavioral Health Research and Practice3
BBH 411WResearch and Applications in Biobehavioral Health3
BE 460WBiological Engineering Design I2
BE 466WBiological Engineering Design II2
BE_T 204WMedical Equipment and Systems II5
BIOL 220MHonors Biology: Populations and Communities4
BIOL 220WBiology: Populations and Communities4
BIOL 230MHonors Biology: Molecules and Cells4
BIOL 230WBiology: Molecules and Cells4
BIOL 240MHonors Biology: Function and Development of Organisms4
BIOL 240WBiology: Function and Development of Organisms4
BIOL 402WBiological Experimental Design3
BIOL 450WExperimental Field Biology3-5
BMB 443WLaboratory in Protein Purification and Enzymology3
BMB 445WLaboratory in Molecular Genetics I2
BME 450WBiomedical Senior Design3
CAMS 109YWriting Systems of the World Keystone/General Education Course3
CAMS 400WComparative Study of the Ancient Mediterranean World3
CAMS 411WClassical Drama3
CAMS 425WBooks of the Bible: Readings and Interpretation3
CAMS 432WGender and Sexuality in the Bible3
CAMS 440WStudies in Classical and Ancient Mediterranean Archaeology3-6
CAMS 450YGender and Sexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome3
CAS 214WSpeech Writing Keystone/General Education Course3
CAS 280WStorytelling and Speaking3
CAS 426WCommunication Ethics3
CAS 450WGroup Communication Theory and Research3
CAS 452WOrganizational Communication Theory and Research Keystone/General Education Course3
CC 490WSeminar in Corporate Communication3
CE 333WConstruction Management I3
CE 421WTransportation Design3
CE 438WConstruction Engineering Capstone Design3
CE 439WGeotechnical and Materials Engineering Design Capstone3
CE 448WStructural Design Capstone3
CE 465WWater Resources Capstone Course3
CE 472WEnvironmental Engineering Capstone Design3
CED 420WGender and International Development3
CED 430WPrinciples of Community Economic Development3
CED 431WEconomic Analysis of Environmental and Resource Policies3
CED 460WPolicy, Politics and Perspectives on Social & Environmental Responsibility3
CHE 480WChemical Engineering Laboratory3
CHEM 213MLaboratory in Organic Chemistry - Honors, Writing Intensive2
CHEM 213WLaboratory in Organic Chemistry - Writing Intensive2
CHEM 423WChemical Spectroscopy4
CHEM 425WChromatography and Electrochemistry4
CHEM 431WOrganic and Inorganic Preparations4
CHEM 459WAdvanced Experimental Physical Chemistry4
CHNS 403WLevel Four Chinese A4
CMLIT 400YSenior Seminar in Literary Criticism and Theory3
CMLIT 404YTopics in Asian Literature3
CMPEN 352WEmbedded Systems Design3
CMPEN 482WComputer Engineering Project Design3
CMPSC 431WDatabase Management Systems3
CMPSC 483WSoftware Design Methods3
CMPSC 485WComputer Science Senior Project II3
CMPSC 487WSoftware Engineering and Design3
COMM 230WWriting for Media3
COMM 260WNews Writing and Reporting3
COMM 342WIdea Development and Media Writing3
COMM 413WThe Mass Media and the Public3
COMM 421WAdvertising Creative Strategies3
COMM 460WReporting Methods3
COMM 464WEditorial, Opinion and Commentary Writing3
COMM 486WTelecommunications Ethics3
COMM 487WAdvanced Telecommunications Management and Leadership3
COMM 489WAdvanced Telecommunications Topics3
CRIM 250WResearch Methods in Criminology3
CRIMJ 240WField Research in the Criminal Justice4
CRIMJ 250WResearch Methods in Criminal Justice3
CRIMJ 424WDrugs and Crime3
CRIMJ 441WThe Juvenile Justice System3
CRIMJ 450WSenior Seminar3
CSD 459WPrinciples of Clinical Management in Communication Disorders3
CYBER 342WCyber Incident Handling and Response3
DA 201WDescriptive Analytics4
DA 302WPredictive Analytics4
DA 401WPrescriptive Analytics4
DS 340WApplied Data Sciences3
DS 440WData Science Capstone3
EBF 304WGlobal Management for the Earth, Energy, and Materials Industries3
EBF 404WThe Great Energy Transition: Law, Economics, and New Frontiers3
ECON 400MHonors Seminar in Economics3-12
ECON 489MHonors Thesis1-6
EDSGN 460WMultidisciplinary Capstone Design Project3
EDUC 315YSocial and Cultural Factors in Education3
EDUC 470WHigher-Order Thinking for Educators3
EE 300WDesign Process3
EE 313WElectronic Circuit Design II4
EE 403WCapstone Design3
EE 406WElectrical Engineering Capstone Design3
EET 212WOp Amp and Integrated Circuit Electronics4
EET 213WFundamentals of Electrical Machines Using Writing Skills5
EET 420WElectrical Design Project3
EET 490WElectrical/Computer Senior Design Project3
EGEE 411WEnergy Science and Engineering Lab3
EGEE 464WEnergy Design Project3
EMSC 470WUndergraduate Collaborative Research in Earth and Materials Sciences1-6
ENGL 200WIntroduction to Critical Reading3
ENGL 211WIntroduction to Writing Studies3
ENGL 221WBritish Literature to 1798 Keystone/General Education Course3
ENGL 222WBritish Literature from 1798 Keystone/General Education Course3
ENGL 231YAmerican Literature to 1865 Keystone/General Education Course3
ENGL 232YAmerican Literature from 1865 Keystone/General Education Course3
ENGL 237NReading and Writing Documentary Poetry Keystone/General Education Course3
ENGL 401WCreative Writing Theory3
ENGL 406MHonors Course in English: General Topic in Recent Literature3-12
ENGL 408MHonors Seminar in English: General Topic in Post-1800 Literature3-12
ENGL 411MHonors Seminar in English: Creative Writing3-12
ENGL 449MHonors Seminar in English: Pre-1800s literature3-12
ENGL 464MHonors Seminar in English: Multicultural3-12
ENGL 482WContemporary Literary and Cultural Theory3
ENGL 487WSenior Seminar3
ENGR 320YDesign for Global Society Keystone/General Education Course3
ENGR 490WSenior Design I1
ENGR 491WSenior Design II3
ENT 402WBiology of Animal Parasites3
ENT 419WPesticide Science3
ENVSC 400WCase Studies in Environmental Analysis and Problem-Solving3
ENVSE 404WSurface and Interfacial Phenomena in Environmental Systems4
ENVST 400WSenior Seminar in Environmental Studies3
ENVST 425Environmental Communication3
ERM 413WCase Studies in Ecosystem Management3
ESC 261MComputational Methods in Engineering3
ESC 414MElements of Material Engineering3
ESC 460MMultidisciplinary Design Project3
ESC 460WMultidisciplinary Design Project3
ETI 300WDevelopment and Documentation of Enterprise Web3
FDSC 406WPhysiology of Nutrition3
FIN 305MFinancial Management of the Business Enterprise (Honors)3
FIN 305WFinancial Management of the Business Enterprise3
FIN 306WInvestment Valuation3
FOR 450WHuman Dimensions of Natural Resources3
FOR 466WForest Management and Planning3
FR 402YAdvanced Grammar and Writing3
FR 445YSelf and Society in Eighteenth-Century France3
FR 452YNineteenth-Century French Literature3
FR 453YLa Belle Epoque: Politics, Society, and Culture in France, 1880-19143
FRNSC 415WLaboratory in Crime Scene Investigation2
FRNSC 421WForensic Molecular Biology4
FRNSC 427WForensic Chemistry4
FRNSC 485WCoalescence of Forensic Science Concepts.4
GD 202WThe History of Graphic Design3
GEOG 310WIntroduction to Global Climatic Systems3
GEOG 411WForest Geography3
GEOG 412WClimatic Change and Variability3
GEOG 420YComparative Urbanism3
GEOG 424WGeography of the Global Economy3
GEOG 426WGendered Worlds3
GEOG 428WPolitical Geography3
GEOG 437WEnergy Geographies and Policy3
GEOG 438WHuman Dimensions of Global Warming3
GEOG 461WDynamic Cartographic Representation3
GEOSC 402YNatural Disasters3
GEOSC 409WGeomicrobiology3
GEOSC 413WTechniques in Environmental Geochemistry3
GEOSC 470WIntroduction to Field Geology3
GEOSC 494MThesis Research1-6
GEOSC 494WSenior Thesis1-4
GER 302WIntermediate Composition and Grammar3
GER 308YGerman Business Communication3
GER 401YAdvanced Composition3
GLIS 400YSeminar in Global and International Studies3
HCDD 364WMethods for Studying Users3
HDFS 287YIntercultural Community-Building3
HDFS 310MSeminar in Honors--Research Methods4
HDFS 312WEmpirical Inquiry in Human Development3
HDFS 315YFamily Development3
HIST 20YAmerican Civ to 1877Y Keystone/General Education Course3
HIST 153YThe Indian in North America3
HIST 213YAfrican American Women's History Keystone/General Education Course3
HIST 266YSexuality and Violence in Nineteenth-Century America Keystone/General Education Course3
HIST 301WScope and Methods of History3
HIST 302MUndergraduate Seminar3
HIST 302WUndergraduate Seminar3
HIST 305YMiddle East Studies Research Workshop3
HIST 320WContemporary World History and Issues3
HIST 405YThe Roman Empire3
HIST 406WResearch in Medieval Sources3
HIST 409YAntisemitisms3
HIST 444WThe United States in Civil War and Reconstruction--1850-18773
HIST 458YHistory of Work in America3
HIST 459YSocial and Cultural History of the United States Since 17833
HIST 460YResearch Seminar in History of Asian Religion & Medicine3
HIST 471YClassical Islamic Civilization, 600-12583
HIST 475YThe Making and Emergence of Modern India3
HIST 484YHistory of Chinese Thought3
HIST 485YChina's Last Empire: The Qing Dynasty, 1644-19113
HM 265WTeams and Leadership in the Hospitality Industry Keystone/General Education Course3
HM 290WHospitality Managerial Communication3
HM 490WStrategic Hospitality Management3
HORT 402WPlant Nutrition3
HORT 410WIssues in Landscape Contracting3
HORT 412WPost-Harvest Physiology3
HPA 301WHealth Services Policy Issues3
HPA 390WProfessional Development in Health Policy & Administration3
HUM 300NInterpretations in the Humanities Keystone/General Education Course3
IE 480WCapstone Design Project3
IEC 320WInformation and Ethics3
INART 100WSeminar in Integrative Arts3
INART 420WPortfolio Matters: Integrative Arts Capstone3
ISB 475WStrategic Integration of Science & Business3
IST 260WIntroduction to Systems Analysis and Design3
IST 260WIntroduction to Systems Analysis and Design3
IST 440WInformation Sciences and Technology Integration and Problem Solving3
IT 330WGreatest Books of Italian Literature3
JAPNS 120WJapanese Literature in its Cultural Context Keystone/General Education Course3
JAPNS 403YLevel Four Japanese A4
JST 305YMiddle East Studies Research Workshop3
JST 409YAntisemitisms3
JST 425WBooks of the Bible: Readings and Interpretation3
JST 432WGender and Sexuality in the Bible3
KINES 413WMovement Science and Pseudoscience3
KINES 425WPhysical Activity in Diverse Populations3
KINES 430WGroups in Physical Activity3
KINES 447WRepresenting Sport in Popular Film3
KINES 461WPreparation for Research Project2
KINES 462WResearch Project2
KINES 468WHealth Instruction in the School--Content and Method3
KINES 481WScientific Basis of Exercise for Older Adults3
KINES 491WResearch Proposal3
KINES 492WProgramming for Business and Agencies3
KINES 493WPrinciples and Ethics of Coaching3
KOR 403YLevel 4 Korean A4
LA 201WExperiential Learning Portfolio3
LARCH 365WContemporary Trends in Landscape Architecture3
LER 445YPolitics of Affirmative Action3
LHR 136YRace, Gender, and Employment Keystone/General Education Course3
LHR 458YHistory of Work in America3
LLED 412WTeaching Language Arts in Secondary Schools II3
MATH 311MHonors Concepts of Discrete Mathematics3
MATH 311WConcepts of Discrete Mathematics3-4
MATH 475YHistory of Mathematics3
MATSE 492WMaterials Engineering Methodology and Design3
MATSE 493WMaterials Science and Engineering Multidisciplinary Capstone Design Project3
MATSE 494MResearch and Design Senior Project1-3
MATSE 494WResearch and Design Senior Project1-3
ME 345WInstrumentation, Measurements, and Statistics4
ME 440WMechanical Systems Design Project3
ME 441WThermal Systems Design Project3
MET 210WMachine Design3
MET 331WHeat Transfer4
METEO 440WPrinciples of Atmospheric Measurements3
METEO 471WAtmospheric Optics3
METEO 494MThesis Research3
MGMT 100WSurvey of Management3
MGMT 301WBasic Management Concepts3
MGMT 427WManaging an Entrepreneurial Start-up3
MGMT 451WBusiness, Ethics, and Society3
MGMT 457WStrategic Management of Innovation and Technologies3
MGMT 471WStrategic Management and Business Policy3
MGMT 475WStrategic Product Development3
MICRB 151WClinical Microbiology and Body Fluid Analysis for Medical Laboratory Technicians5
MICRB 421WLaboratory of General and Applied Microbiology3
MIS 479WEnterprise Information Systems3
MKTG 221WContemporary American Marketing3
MKTG 301WPrinciples of Marketing3
MKTG 450WMarketing Strategy3
MNG 451WMining Engineering Project1-5
MNGT 205WMining Systems Technology3
MTHED 412WTeaching Secondary Mathematics II3
MUSIC 441WEmphasis in Elementary General Music3
MUSIC 442WEmphasis in Secondary General Music3
MUSIC 443WChoral Emphasis in Secondary Music Education3
MUSIC 444WEmphasis in Elementary and Intermediate Band3
MUSIC 445WEmphasis in High School Band3
MUSIC 446WEmphasis in Strings and Orchestra3
MUSIC 461WStudies in Music History: Antiquity to 16003
MUSIC 462WStudies in Music History: 1550-17503
MUSIC 463WStudies in Music History: 1700-19003
MUSIC 464WStudies in Music History: 1850-Present3
MUSIC 476WB.A. Senior Project3
NUCE 310WIssues in Nuclear Engineering2
NUCE 431WNuclear Reactor Core Design Synthesis4
NURS 200MPrinciples of Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice-Honors3
NURS 200WPrinciples of Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice3
NUTR 490WNutrition Seminar3
OT 210WClinical Reasoning and Documentation in Occupational Therapy3
PES 446WSenior Project 11
PES 447WSenior Project 21
PES 448WSenior Project 31
PHIL 103WEthics Keystone/General Education Course3
PHIL 108WSocial and Political Philosophy Keystone/General Education Course3
PHIL 125WTheories of Knowledge Keystone/General Education Course3
PHIL 126WMetaphysics Keystone/General Education Course3
PHIL 408WSeminar in Social and Political Philosophy3
PHIL 418WSeminar in Ethical Theory3
PHIL 425WSeminar in Epistemology3
PHIL 426WSeminar in Metaphysics3
PHYS 421WResearch Methods in Physics3
PHYS 457WExperimental Physics3
PLET 206WPlastic Materials and Properties3
PLSC 17WIntroduction to Political Theory Keystone/General Education Course3
PLSC 418WInternational Relations Theory3
PLSC 430WSelected Works in the History of Political Theory3
PLSC 445YPolitics of Affirmative Action3
PLSC 465YDemocratization in Asia3
PLSC 480WCongress and the Presidency3
PLSC 484WThe Foreign Policy of Soviet Successor States3
PNG 440WFormation Evaluation3
PPEM 417WMechanisms of Bacterial Pathogenesis in Plants3
PSYCH 301MHonors Research Methods in Psychology4
PSYCH 301WBasic Research Methods in Psychology4
PSYCH 406WAdvanced Research Projects in Psychology4
PT 270WPathophysiology5
PT 271WPathophysiology I3
PT 280WRehabilitation5
PT 282WRehabilitation-2W3
PT 290WProfessional Issues in Clinical Practice3
PUBPL 304WPublic Policy Analysis3
RADSC 210WRadiographic Pathology3
RHS 400WCase Management and Communication Skills3
RLST 125WModern Christianity3
RLST 140YReligion in American Life and Thought Keystone/General Education Course3
RLST 407YAntisemitisms3
RLST 409YAntisemitisms3
RLST 425WBooks of the Bible: Readings and Interpretation3
RLST 432WGender and Sexuality in the Bible3
RLST 440YThe Orthodox Christian Tradition3
RLST 460YResearch Seminar in History of Asian Religion & Medicine3
RLST 471YClassical Islamic Civilization, 600-12583
RM 320WRisk Management and Insurance3
RM 330WReal Estate Risk Analysis3
RPTM 300YTourism and Leisure Behavior3
RPTM 433WProgram Evaluation and Research in Recreation Services3
RUS 141YRussian Literature in English Translation: 1800-18703
RUS 142YRussian Literature in English Translation: 1870 to Present3
SC 306WBS MBA Undergraduate Seminar2
SCIED 411WTeaching Secondary Science I3
SCM 450WStrategic Design and Management of Supply Chains3
SOC 1WIntroductory Sociology Keystone/General Education Course3
SOC 400WSenior Research Seminar3
SOILS 412WSoil Ecology3
SPAN 131YIbero-American Civilization Keystone/General Education Course3
SPAN 253WIntroduction to Hispanic Literature Keystone/General Education Course3
SPLED 395WObserving Special Education Settings Spanning Across School Transitions3
SRA 311WRisk Analysis in a Security Context3
SRA 440WSecurity and Risk Analysis Capstone Course3
SSED 412WTeaching Secondary Social Studies II3
SSED 430WTeaching Social Studies in the Elementary Grades3
STAT 470WProblem Solving and Communication in Applied Statistics3
SUR 372WLegal Aspects of Land Surveying3
SUR 373WCadastral and Legal Aspects of Surveying4
SWENG 452WEmbedded Real Time Systems3
THEA 201WScript Analysis3
THEA 405WTheatre History: American Theatre3
THEA 407WWomen and Theatre3
THEA 408WHistory of American Musical Theatre3
TURF 436WCase Studies in Turfgrass Management3
VBSC 280NCurrent Topics in Veterinary Medicine Keystone/General Education Course3
VBSC 402WBiology of Animal Parasites3
VBSC 423WPathology of Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases3
VBSC 448WCurrent Topics in Immunology3
WFED 207WAssessment Techniques3
WFS 447WWildlife Management3
WFS 463WFishery Management3
WGSS 432WGender and Sexuality in the Bible3
WILDL 208MTerrestrial Wildlife Management (Honors)3
WILDL 208WTerrestrial Wildlife Management3
WLED 412WMethods of Teaching World Languages in Grades 6-123
WMNST 136YRace, Gender, and Employment Keystone/General Education Course3
WMNST 213YAfrican American Women's History Keystone/General Education Course3
WMNST 230NDangerous Bodies Keystone/General Education Course3
WMNST 266YSexuality and Violence in Nineteenth-Century America Keystone/General Education Course3
WMNST 407WWomen and Theatre3
WMNST 420WGender and International Development3
WMNST 426WGendered Worlds3
WMNST 440WWomen in Global Cities Keystone/General Education Course3
WMNST 450YGender and Sexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome3
WMNST 476WAnthropology of Gender3
WMNST 492WContemporary Feminist Analysis: The Capstone Senior Seminar3