Forestry (FOR)

FOR 123N
Forests, Trees, and People
Keystone course
3 Credits
FOR 150S
First-Year Seminar
2 Credits
FOR 200
The Profession of Forestry
1 Credits
FOR 201N
Global Change and Ecosystems
Keystone course
3 Credits
FOR 203
Field Dendrology
3 Credits
FOR 204
Silvics and Forest Dynamics
2 Credits
FOR 228
Chainsaw Safety, Maintenance, and Operation in Forest Management
1 Credits
FOR 242
Elements of Project Supervision in Forestry
3 Credits
FOR 255
GPS and GIS Applications for Natural Resources Professionals
3 Credits
FOR 266
Forest Resources Measurements
4 Credits
FOR 295
Forestry Internship
1-4 Credits/Maximum of 4
FOR 296
Independent Studies
1-18 Credits/Maximum of 18
FOR 297
Special Topics
1-9 Credits/Maximum of 9
FOR 299
Foreign Studies
1-12 Credits/Maximum of 12
FOR 303
Herbaceous Forest Plant Identification and Ecology
3 Credits
FOR 308
Forest Ecology
3 Credits
FOR 320
Wildland Fire Management
3 Credits
FOR 350
Forest Ecosystem Monitoring and Data Analysis
3 Credits
FOR 370
Watershed Ecohydrology
3 Credits
FOR 397
Special Topics
1-9 Credits/Maximum of 9
FOR 401
Urban Forest Management
3 Credits/Maximum of 3
FOR 403
Invasive Forest Plants: Identification, Ecology, and Management
3 Credits
FOR 409
Tree Physiology
2 Credits/Maximum of 2
FOR 410
Elements of Forest Ecosystem Management
3 Credits
FOR 418
Agroforestry: Science, Design, and Practice
3 Credits
FOR 421
Silviculture: Applied Forest Ecology
3 Credits
FOR 430
Conservation Biology
3 Credits
FOR 431
Conservation Genetics
3 Credits
FOR 439
Timber Sale Administration
3 Credits/Maximum of 3
FOR 440
Forest and Conservation Economics
3 Credits
FOR 442
Forest Conservation: Principles and Practices
3 Credits
FOR 445
Wildlife Habitat Management
3 Credits
FOR 450W
Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
3 Credits
FOR 455
Remote Sensing and Spatial Data Handling
3 Credits
FOR 465
Restoration Ecology
4 Credits
FOR 466W
Forest Management and Planning
3 Credits
FOR 470
Watershed Management
3 Credits
FOR 471
Watershed Management Laboratory
1 Credits
FOR 475
Principles of Forest Soils Management
3 Credits
FOR 477
Field Methods in Watershed Ecohydrology
3 Credits
FOR 480
Policy and Administration
3 Credits
FOR 489
Supervised Experience in College Teaching
1-3 Credits/Maximum of 3
FOR 494
Undergraduate Research
1-12 Credits/Maximum of 999
FOR 494H
Honors Thesis Research
1-6 Credits/Maximum of 999
FOR 495
Forestry Internship
1-6 Credits/Maximum of 6
FOR 496
Independent Studies
1-18 Credits/Maximum of 18
FOR 497
Special Topics
1-9 Credits/Maximum of 9
FOR 499
Foreign Studies
1-12 Credits/Maximum of 12