Science, Technology, and Society (STS)

STS 47
Wilderness, Technology, and Society
3 Credits
STS 55
Space Science and Technology
3 Credits
STS 100
Science, Technology, and Culture
3 Credits
STS 100H
The Ascent of Humanity
3 Credits
STS 101
Modern Science, Technology, and Human values
3 Credits
STS 105
Food Facts and Fads
Keystone course
3 Credits
STS 110N
Chemistry in World Wars I and II
Keystone course
3 Credits
STS 115
Pre-departure Intercultural Learning
1-3 Credits/Maximum of 9
STS 124
History of Western Medicine
Keystone course
3 Credits
STS 151N
Technology and Society in American History
Keystone course
3 Credits
STS 197
Special Topics
1-9 Credits/Maximum of 9
STS 199
Science, Technology, and Society: Foreign Studies
1-3 Credits/Maximum of 12
STS 200
Critical Issues in Science, Technology, and Society
Keystone course
3 Credits
STS 201
Climate Change, Energy, and Biodiversity
3 Credits
STS 233
Ethics and the Design of Technology
Keystone course
3 Credits
STS 235
Science and Religion
Keystone course
3 Credits
STS 245N
Globalization, Technology, and Ethics
Keystone course
3 Credits
STS 299
Foreign Studies
1-12 Credits/Maximum of 12
STS 313
Global Engineering Fellows Seminar
1 Credits
STS 399
Science, Technology and Society: Foreign Studies
1-3 Credits/Maximum of 12
STS 408
Cultural Foundations of Communications
3 Credits
STS 416
Race, Gender and Science
3 Credits
STS 420
Energy and Modern Society
3 Credits
STS 428
The Darwinian Revolution
3 Credits
STS 433
Ethics in Science and Engineering
3 Credits
STS 460
Science, Technology, and Public Policy
3 Credits
STS 470
Technology Assessment and Transfer
3 Credits
STS 499
Foreign Studies
1-12 Credits/Maximum of 12