Statistics (STAT)

STAT 100
Statistical Concepts and Reasoning
Keystone course
3 Credits
STAT 184
Introduction to R
3 Credits
STAT 199
Foreign Studies
1-12 Credits/Maximum of 12
STAT 200
Elementary Statistics
Keystone course
4 Credits
STAT 240
Introduction to Biometry
Keystone course
3 Credits
STAT 250
Introduction to Biostatistics
Keystone course
3 Credits
STAT 296
Independent Studies
1-18 Credits/Maximum of 18
STAT 297
Special Topics
1-9 Credits/Maximum of 9
STAT 300
Statistical Modeling I
3 Credits
STAT 318
Elementary Probability
3 Credits
STAT 319
Elementary Mathematical Statistics
3 Credits
STAT 380
Data Science Through Statistical Reasoning and Computation
3 Credits
STAT 399
Foreign Studies
1-12 Credits/Maximum of 12
STAT 400
Statistical Modeling II
3 Credits
STAT 401
Experimental Methods
3 Credits
STAT 414
Introduction to Probability Theory
3 Credits
STAT 415
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
3 Credits
STAT 416
Stochastic Modeling
3 Credits
STAT 418
Introduction to Probability and Stochastic Processes for Engineering
3 Credits
STAT 440
Computational Statistics
3 Credits
STAT 460
Intermediate Applied Statistics
3 Credits
STAT 461
Analysis of Variance
3 Credits
STAT 462
Applied Regression Analysis
3 Credits
STAT 463
Applied Time Series Analysis
3 Credits
STAT 464
Applied Nonparametric Statistics
3 Credits
STAT 466
Survey Sampling
3 Credits
Problem Solving and Communication in Applied Statistics
3 Credits
STAT 480
Introduction to SAS
1 Credits
STAT 481
Intermediate SAS for Data Management
1 Credits
STAT 482
Advanced Topics in SAS
1 Credits
STAT 483
Statistical Programming in SAS
3 Credits
STAT 484
The R Statistical Programing Language
1 Credits/Maximum of 1
STAT 485
Intermediate R Statistical Programming Language
1 Credits
STAT 487
Introduction to Statistical Analysis with Python
2 Credits
STAT 494
Research Project
1-12 Credits/Maximum of 12
Research Project
1-12 Credits/Maximum of 12
STAT 495
1-18 Credits/Maximum of 18
STAT 496
Independent Studies
1-18 Credits/Maximum of 18
1-18 Credits
Independent Studies
1-18 Credits/Maximum of 18
STAT 497
Special Topics
1-9 Credits/Maximum of 9
STAT 499
Foreign Studies
1-12 Credits/Maximum of 12