Wildlife Technology, A.S.

Program Code: 2WLT_AS

Program Description

The Wildlife Technology major helps prepare students in the techniques of wildlife management. Personnel trained in this field are needed to assist in the applied phases of natural resource management, wildlife biology, range management, and the care, maintenance, and propagation of animals. Graduates should be able to support professionals in wildlife biology, park managers, game refuge managers, and laboratory technicians in research. The Wildlife Technology Program is accredited by the North American Wildlife Technology Association (NAWTA).

What is Wildlife Technology?

Wildlife technology is the art and science of applying laboratory and field techniques to study and manage wildlife populations. It emphasizes practical skills in the areas of wildlife biology and management, biological and ecological science, communication, forest science, quantification, mapping, natural resources inventories, fisheries and wetlands, social science, recreation and safety, and environmental policy.

You Might Like this Program If...

  • You are passionate about wildlife, forestry, or the outdoors
  • You have a keen interest in natural science, ecosystems, and how wildlife interact
  • You are interested in studying and conserving wildlife, their habitats, and our natural resources for future generations
  • You want to pursue a career in natural resource management, wildlife biology, environmental education, or outdoor recreation

Entrance to Major

Students must have a minimum 2.0 GPA to change to this Associate degree after admission to the University.

Degree Requirements

For the Associate in Science degree in Wildlife Technology, a minimum of 65.5 credits is required:

Requirement Credits
General Education 21
Requirements for the Major 53.5

9 of the 21 credits for General Education are included in Requirements for the Major. This includes 9 credits of General Education courses: 3 credits of GN and 6 credits of GWS.

Requirements for the Major

To graduate, a student enrolled in the major must earn a grade of C or better in each course designated by the major as a C-required course, as specified by Senate Policy 82-44.

Prescribed Courses
AG 113Exploring Careers in Agriculture1
BIOL 110Biology: Basic Concepts and Biodiversity Keystone/General Education Course4
CAS 100Effective Speech3
ENGL 202CEffective Writing: Technical Writing Keystone/General Education Course3
FOR 242Elements of Project Supervision in Forestry3
FORT 150Dendrology3
FORT 160Silvicultural Practices3
KINES 13First Aid & Safety, CPR/AED Keystone/General Education Course1.5
WILDL 106Wildlife Management Techniques4
WILDL 207Outdoor Recreation3
WILDL 211GIS and Aerial Photo Interpretation in Wildlife Management4
WILDL 213Wetlands and Fisheries Management4
Prescribed Courses: Require a grade of C or better
WILDL 101Introduction to Wildlife Management3
WILDL 103Animal Identification4
WILDL 208WTerrestrial Wildlife Management3
Additional Courses
ENGL 15Rhetoric and Composition Keystone/General Education Course3
or ENGL 30H Honors Rhetoric and Composition Keystone/General Education Course
WILDL 2044
or STAT 200 Elementary Statistics Keystone/General Education Course

General Education

Connecting career and curiosity, the General Education curriculum provides the opportunity for students to acquire transferable skills necessary to be successful in the future and to thrive while living in interconnected contexts. General Education aids students in developing intellectual curiosity, a strengthened ability to think, and a deeper sense of aesthetic appreciation. These are requirements for all associate degree students and are often partially incorporated into the requirements of a program. For additional information, see the General Education Requirements section of the Bulletin and consult your academic adviser.

The keystone symbol Keystone/General Education Course appears next to the title of any course that is designated as a General Education course. Program requirements may also satisfy General Education requirements and vary for each program.

Foundations (grade of C or better is required and Inter-Domain courses do not meet this requirement.)

  • Quantification (GQ): 3 credits
  • Writing and Speaking (GWS): 3 credits

Knowledge Domains

  • Arts (GA): 3 credits
  • Humanities (GH): 3 credits
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences (GS): 3 credits
  • Natural Sciences (GN): 3 credits

Note: Up to six credits of Inter-Domain courses may be used for any Knowledge Domain requirement, but when a course may be used to satisfy more than one requirement, the credits from the course can be counted only once.


  • Any General Education course (including GHW and Inter-Domain): 3 credits

University Degree Requirements

Cultures Requirement

3 credits of United States (US) or International (IL) cultures coursework are required and may satisfy other requirements

Writing Across the Curriculum

3 credits required from the college of graduation and likely prescribed as part of major requirements.

Total Minimum Credits

A minimum of 60 degree credits must be earned for a associates degree. The requirements for some programs may exceed 60 credits. Students should consult with their college or department adviser for information on specific credit requirements.

Quality of Work

Candidates must complete the degree requirements for their major and earn at least a 2.00 grade-point average for all courses completed within their degree program.

Limitations on Source and Time for Credit Acquisition

Credit used toward degree programs may need to be earned from a particular source or within time constraints (see Senate Policy 83-80). For more information, check the Suggested Academic Plan for your intended program.

Program Learning Objectives

  • Students will be able to identify the flora and fauna of PA and explain their natural histories and their taxonomic relationships
  • Students will show proficiency in field skills
  • Students will be able to explain the history of and current issues in natural resources and apply that knowledge to real-life scenarios
  • Students will be able to use their knowledge to develop and implement management strategies
  • Students will be able to find and decipher scientific literature and information and communicate effectively via writing and oral presentations
  • Students will be able to use established and emerging technology in natural resources to collect, manage, and explore data

Academic Advising

The objectives of the university's academic advising program are to help advisees identify and achieve their academic goals, to promote their intellectual discovery, and to encourage students to take advantage of both in-and out-of class educational opportunities in order that they become self-directed learners and decision makers.

Both advisers and advisees share responsibility for making the advising relationship succeed. By encouraging their advisees to become engaged in their education, to meet their educational goals, and to develop the habit of learning, advisers assume a significant educational role. The advisee's unit of enrollment will provide each advisee with a primary academic adviser, the information needed to plan the chosen program of study, and referrals to other specialized resources.



Emily Thomas
Associate Teaching Professor of Wildlife Technology
1 College Place
48C Smeal Building
DuBois, PA 15801

Suggested Academic Plan

The suggested academic plan(s) listed on this page are the plan(s) that are in effect during the 2024-25 academic year. To access previous years' suggested academic plans, please visit the archive to view the appropriate Undergraduate Bulletin edition.

Wildlife Technology, A.S. at DuBois Campus

The course series listed below provides only one of the many possible ways to move through this curriculum. The University may make changes in policies, procedures, educational offerings, and requirements at any time. This plan should be used in conjunction with your degree audit (accessible in LionPATH as either an Academic Requirements or What If report). Please consult with a Penn State academic adviser on a regular basis to develop and refine an academic plan that is appropriate for you.

First Year
ENGL 15, 30H, or ESL 15‡†3WILDL 103*4
BIOL 1104WILDL 1064
WILDL 101*3FORT 1603
FORT 1503General Education Course3
General Educaton Course (GQ)‡13CAS 100A‡†3
AG 1131 
 17 17
Second Year
STAT 20024FOR 2423
WILDL 2073WILDL 2114
WILDL 208W*3ENGL 202C3
WILDL 2134KINES 131.5
General Education Course3General Education Course3
 17 14.5
Total Credits 65.5

Course requires a grade of C or better for the major

Course requires a grade of C or better for General Education


Course is an Entrance to Major requirement

Course satisfies General Education and degree requirement


MATH 21 or higher


WILDL 204 can be substituted for STAT 200 if offered

University Requirements and General Education Notes:

US and IL are abbreviations used to designate courses that satisfy Cultural Diversity Requirements (United States and International Cultures).

W, M, X, and Y are the suffixes at the end of a course number used to designate courses that satisfy University Writing Across the Curriculum requirement.

General Education includes Foundations (GWS and GQ) and Knowledge Domains (GHW, GN, GA, GH, GS) requirements. Foundations courses (GWS and GQ) require a grade of 'C' or better.

Advising Notes:

  • A student's career/graduate school plans should be considered in developing an individual academic plan. Be sure to consult an academic adviser in this department when scheduling courses.
  • Recommended to complete a GH course that also satisfies the IL requirement.

Career Paths

Our graduates have employment opportunities across the country to support professionals in natural resource management, forestry, fisheries, zoos and aquaria, wildlife research, environmental education, and parks and recreation management.


Professional Resources


The Wildlife Technology Program has been awarded full accreditation for meeting all the curriculum standards of NAWTA.



1 College Place
48B Smeal Building
DuBois, PA 15801
