Education, Development and Community Engagement (EDCE)

EDCE 501
Foundations of Education, Development, and Community Engagement
3 Credits
EDCE 505
Leadership Development
3 Credits
EDCE 508
Administration and Supervision of Education, Development, and Community Engagement
3 Credits/Maximum of 3
EDCE 509
Contemporary Research in Education, Development and Community Engagement
1-6 Credits/Maximum of 6
EDCE 511
Youth Leadership Development
3 Credits
EDCE 512
Decolonial Methods for Interdisciplinary Research
3 Credits
EDCE 515
Engagement Through Outreach Scholarship in Higher Education
3 Credits
EDCE 520
Scientific Method in the Study of Education, Development and Community Engagement
1-4 Credits/Maximum of 4
EDCE 521
Basic Applied Data Analysis in Education, Development and Community Engagement
1-4 Credits/Maximum of 4
EDCE 524
Change in Education, Development and Community Engagement
1-3 Credits/Maximum of 3
EDCE 525
Program Design and Delivery
3 Credits
EDCE 530
Teaching and Learning in Agricultural Science
3-4 Credits/Maximum of 4
EDCE 535
Youth Civic Development
3 Credits
EDCE 540
Youth Participation in Educational Change: Examining Youth Activism, Child Rights, and Youth Voice
3 Credits
EDCE 550
Program Development and Evaluation in Youth, Families and Communities
3 Credits
EDCE 555
Volunteer Program Management
3 Credits
EDCE 590
1-3 Credits/Maximum of 3
EDCE 595
1-18 Credits/Maximum of 18
EDCE 596
Individual Studies
1-9 Credits/Maximum of 9
EDCE 597
Special Topics
1-9 Credits/Maximum of 9
EDCE 600
Thesis Research
1-15 Credits/Maximum of 999
EDCE 601
Ph.D. Dissertation Full-Time
0 Credits/Maximum of 999
EDCE 602
Supervised Experience in College Teaching
1-3 Credits/Maximum of 6
EDCE 610
Thesis Research Off-Campus
1-15 Credits/Maximum of 999
EDCE 611
Ph.D. Dissertation Part-Time
0 Credits/Maximum of 999
EDCE 840
Applied Youth Development
3 Credits
EDCE 845
Intergenerational Programs and Practices
3 Credits