Translational Science Graduate Credit Certificate Program

Person-in-ChargeGail D. Thomas
Program CodeHYTRSC


University Park

The primary goal of this certificate is to provide a formal, structured program that allows medical and health care professionals, those wanting to enter the area of health care research, and graduate students seeking a career in a health care related discipline to develop or enhance a successful career in translational science.

Effective Semester: Summer 2023
Expiration Semester: Summer 2028

Admission Requirements

Applicants apply for admission to the program via the Graduate School application for admission. Requirements listed here are in addition to Graduate Council policies listed under GCAC-300 Admissions Policies. International applicants may be required to satisfy an English proficiency requirement; see GCAC-305 Admission Requirements for International Students for more information.

Certificate Requirements

Requirements listed here are in addition to requirements listed in Graduate Council policy GCAC-212 Postbaccalaureate Credit Certificate Programs.

The curriculum includes courses in 4 specific translational science clusters. Students are required to complete 15 credits, including a 10 credit core of required 500-level courses and 5 elective credits. Courses must be selected from the detailed curriculum, or by permission in advance from the certificate director. Courses are available at the Hershey and University Park Campuses enabling the student to continue employment activities or graduate school programs. Students must obtain a B or better in each course.

Required Courses
Select one of the following:3
Principles of Biostatistics
Applied Statistics
Regression Methods
Select one of the following:3
Principles of Epidemiology
Epidemiological Applications in Health Services Research
Epidemiologic Research Methods
Select one of the following:3
Clinical Trials: Design and Analysis
Design of Experiments
Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials
Select one of the following:1
Research Ethics for Clinical Investigators
Ethics, Rigor, Reproducibility and Conduct of Research in the Life Sciences
Biomedical Research Ethics
Select 5 credits from the following:5
Behavioral Health Research Strategies
Statistical Analysis of Genomics Data
Applied Bioinformatics
Writing Grant Proposals for Biomedical Research
Health Data Analysis for Research
Research Methods in Health Services Research
Human Development Intervention: Analysis of Theories and Approaches
Methods of Research in Human Development
Scientific Writing in Kinesiology
Statistical Analysis of Genomics Data
Research Methods
Scientific Communication
Patient Centered Research
Applied Biostatistics
Health Survey Research Methods
Decision Analysis for Public Health
Statistical Analysis of Genomics Data
Total Credits15


Graduate courses carry numbers from 500 to 699 and 800 to 899. Advanced undergraduate courses numbered between 400 and 499 may be used to meet some graduate degree requirements when taken by graduate students. Courses below the 400 level may not. A graduate student may register for or audit these courses in order to make up deficiencies or to fill in gaps in previous education but not to meet requirements for an advanced degree.

Learning Outcomes

  1. TS STAT: Students will be able to apply appropriate statistical principals and analyses to translational science.
  2. TS EPI: Students will be able to apply basic epidemiological principles and methods to translational science.
  3. TS METHODS: Students will be able to identify, design, implement, and evaluate evidence-based approaches to translational science.
  4. TS ETHICS: Students will be able to apply ethical principals and meet high ethical standards in planning, conducting, and reporting of research and protection of human and animal subjects.
  5. TS COMM: Students will be able to write scientific reports and journal articles and to give scientific presentations.


Campus Hershey Med Ctr
Graduate Program Head Gail D Thomas
Program Contact

Shaweta Singla
Penn State College of Medicine
P.O. Box 850, MC H147
Hershey PA 17033

Program Website View
Campus University Park
Graduate Program Head Gail D Thomas
Program Contact

Shaweta Singla
600 University Drive
Attn: K.Shields MC 147
Hershey PA 17033

Program Website View